Are you achieving your goals?
Is your business successful in the way that you envisioned?
We offer Training and Coaching to help people understand themselves and others. On the Foundation of an appreciation for our mutual Strengths and Opportunities we then develop strategies for improved performance.
The pace of change and the outcomes vary from client to client but tangible, measurable results is the yardstick of our success. Corey Dalton has trained and developed countless leaders to more successful lives.
His experience and track record developing high performing teams within companies allows him to understand the very real pressures of running a business.

Coaching Programs – Which one is right for you?
Let’s start by imagining what a significant change in your life would look like and how you would benefit from making the necessary changes. Depending on the degree of change you are trying to achieve and the amount of time and energy you think it will require, you can determine which level of coaching may be required. While it constitutes an investment, consider that by improving the motivation of your team or your own ability to make decisions, you could significantly improve your revenue, margins and income!
Do Business Coaches really work?
There are all kinds of statistics to prove that business coaching really does work, but you need to make sure it will work for you.
You should expect a ROI. If you’re going to invest your time and money you should see tangible benefits as you proceed through the journey together. The ICF quotes the average return between $4 and $8 for every $1 invested.
A business coach will benefit you only if they know how to coach and they know how to grow and run a business. Coaching people is very different from directing or telling or training. An effective coach will help guide you in the right direction. They might have some answers but more importantly they should have great questions. They will watch you in action and help you be the best version of yourself.
A business coach will have a better chance of accelerating your progress if they’ve been in business before and have been successful. They need to have experienced the ups and downs of running a business. If your coach doesn’t have some battle scars, how can you expect them to help you with yours?
You will know business coaching works when you see a new path forward that leads to results. A good coach will never use a one-size-fits-all approach. Your goals and opportunities are different from others. You may need more individual effectiveness coaching or your business might need a new strategy. Each requires a unique and customized approach.
Interview a coach or two. You want to make sure they are a good fit for you and your business and you want to make sure they can tell you about their own successes with business owners or entrepreneurs. Spend 30 minutes talking to me about my approach and I am confident it will be good use of your time.

What do Business Coaches do?
A Business Coach’s ultimate goal is to get their client to the place they want to be. The coach will start with getting to know their client through a combination of questionnaires, assessments and interviews. Throughout the time you work together, your coach will get to know you really well.
Your business coach will work with you to set goals – realistic, achievable goals that will move you forward in a timely fashion. Your coach may become your accountability partner and hold you to the behaviors you agreed to.
Your business coach can be objective about you and your business and provide feedback and ideas that are often difficult to come up with when you are ‘right in the middle of it’ everyday. Your coach may challenge some of your long-held beliefs about your reality that are holding you back.
Business coaches guide their clients toward their goals and direct them to other connections or experts that can help them succeed.
Business coaches are not lawyers or accountants and we know when it’s time to refer you to another professional – we can help you find the right one and we can help you save money guiding you to the right professional and how to use them effectively.
Most importantly, we are always moving forward, setting goals together, making plans.
How can a Business Coach help you?
Here are a few different scenarios that a Business Coach can help people:
- You have a growing business with a great service offering; you are well funded; and you are strong at sales but you need helping pulling your team together
- You’re stuck. Things are okay but you are not moving forward as quickly as you would like and you need support to find a new path
- Your confidence is shaken. Something has moved you off balance and you need to find your way back to that strong place you once were
- You have a lot of good ideas but you are not able to turn them into a cohesive plan
A business coach will get to know you and they will understand your strengths and opportunities. They will be able to explain your personality profile in a way that will allow you to see things through a different lens.
They will help you leverage your strongest attributes and guide you to developing tactics that support your opportunity areas.
A business coach will help you develop a plan and they will provide the support you need to stay on target.
A business coach will always have your success as their primary goal. A coach will help you win.


The client was experiencing rapid growth and they wanted to ensure they had the right people on their team with the right makeup to function together as a team. The client was dedicated to supporting team members who needed coaching or management training to be successful.
- The entire Senior Team (including the CEO) and Department Heads completed our on-line assessment tool
- Individual debriefs were conducted and the assessment findings were shared with each individual and the CEO
- Individual coaching sessions were conducted with five members of the team
- Regular check-ins with the People and Culture Leader ensured the client was seeing progress
- All participants were grateful for the company’s support of their personal development
- Each individual showed improvement in at least one area of performance and we were able to save one person on the edge of termination and turn him into a strong performer
- Informal 360 feedback verified all of our findings of improved performance
- CDD Business Solutions stays in touch with some of the key players to check-in and help with any minor issues and to ensure the client knows they have a partner
- The company continues to grow and the individuals who went through our coaching program are all performing at a higher level