The Attentional and Interpersonal Style (TAIS) Inventory is one of the most comprehensive and reliable assessment tools in the market. Developed by Dr. Robert Nideffer, TAIS has been successfully used by Olympic teams, elite military forces and top businesses. This system allows businesses to choose people that fit their specific needs and produce better results. TAIS will predict how an individual will perform under a variety of circumstances. This assessment is particularly strong at identifying how well people can focus their attention in various areas and will predict how they will perform in general.
- Awareness
of the environment and the ability to react quickly.
- External
- Analytical/Conceptual orientation
the ability to problem solve and plan.
- Internal distractibility.
- Focused concentration
and follow through.
- Reduced flexibility
the failure to shift attention to task-relevant cues.
- Tendency to multi-task
deal with a busy world.
- Behavioral Impulsivity
and risk taking.
- Need for control
and willingness to assume a leadership role.
- Self-esteem
(adjusted by the tendency to be self-critical).
- Physical Competitiveness.
- Speed of decision making.
- Extroversion
enjoying being the center of attention, meeting new people.
- Introversion
desire for time alone.
- Intellectual assertiveness.
- Confrontiveness
and expression of criticism or anger.
- Expression of positive feelings
and support.
- Focus over Time
continuous commitment and sacrifice to a pursuit.
- Performance under Pressure
the ability to perform well when all is on the line.
- Self-Critical
the extent to which the person self-corrects.
All of these scales are directly related to performance. TAIS is focused on predicting and improving each individual’s performance.

This inventory can be used at a number of stages in the manager’s career with an organization. At the Selection stage, TAIS can identify individuals more likely to succeed in the organization. The reliability and validity of this assessment has been confirmed numerous times and it used by some of the most elite and respected organizations worldwide including the Navy Seals and the Canadian Olympic teams.
To improve the chances of finding the right person we can conduct assessments on current high performers within the organization and conduct interviews with applicants to supplement the TAIS results. Additionally, we can provide key areas for the hiring manager to probe in the interview process.
It’s important to remember that the individuals have told us about themselves through the TAIS inventory. Using the results, we can highlight areas of strengths and those places where they do not feel as confident or competent about themselves. Getting alignment around those areas is generally easy and then moving into coaching around some new tactics or different approaches is where the coaching begins.

- Rather than trying to explain the TAIS Assessment Tool let’s do one together and discuss the results.
- Trying to explain the power of TAIS is like trying to selling a high performance car without a test drive.
- We offer ‘test drives’ for our serious clients who understand that a comprehensive assessment requires putting it through its paces.
Essentially, whether your sales people conduct an effective discovery and listen to the needs of clients can determine whether you continue in business or not.
Using The Attentional & Interpersonal Style (TAIS) inventory results, we can predict which sales people are more likely to talk than listen and why. We can identify those people who listen poorly because they are so easily distracted. We can tailor listening programs for each person’s needs.
Closing a deal or Team Building require different skills that can also be measured using TAIS inventory results.
Every organization is focused on attracting top talent; keeping high performers and developing their resources. TAIS can be a powerful tool in that process.